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Painting on Canvas


Projects in series. These are artworks with themes. I'm fascinated with windows, doors, entryways—especially when I do my evening walks, it is interesting to see what the lights project in the windows, sometimes I see what is inside the room, like a painting, a pot of plant, lampshades—I believe it reflects the room owner's personality and preferences, it says a lot about what they want, even what kind of person they are (probably). During the day, the colors of the doors, porches, and the color scheme of the house front exudes such beauty that is so lovely to see and joy to look at. Sometimes, I join challenges too to help me improve my skills, such as the Inktober created by Jake Parker and #30DaysofCreativity by Johanna Basford, these two are some of the artists that I admire. I think their challenges has helped me (a little bit) in developing my skills. I had to be brave, learned to brace my fears and disappointments, and really had to try come up with concepts to draw based on the prompts given. So, dont be afraid, you should try these challenges too, own your work, your style, because it is yours. Let these collections be an inspiration.

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