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  • Writer's pictureMAC Carlos

Believer's Yoke

I have read about a devotional based on 2 Corinthians 6:14. It talks about marriage to someone other than your 'kind' and the verse says,

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness.

It has a point, but you need to dig in much deeper than just the word unbeliever. It is crucial to understand this phrase before contemplating marriage. See, unbeliever, in the believer's point of view, means that the other person doesn't belong to his or her church, or simply they don't have the same beliefs. This is where mistakes happen. I made a mistake, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. I met someone who belongs to my church or religion, therefore we believe in the same doctrines or principles. He fears God and prays a lot. I thought I was safe there, I don't have to worry about whether he has vices or bad habits such as smoking, drinking, gambling, and the likes because I believe that he was "called by God." He is a believer alright.

Like this photo, being tied with another who have same goals and direction with you can guarantee a safe ascent or descent, but one whose direction is different that yours can put tension to the rope that could lead to disaster.

The article says that between the believer and the unbeliever,

There is a perpetual difference of taste, of inclination, and of purpose.

I totally agree with that, there are indeed differences, an unbeliever (those I met) would prefer to go to pubs for a drink and casinos for entertainment, rather than go to the park for a walk or camp in the woods. I met unbelievers who are decent—fun, loving, occasionally drinks, humorous, adventurous, almost a male version of my self—but they don't understand the concept of church or religion, and ministry in my life. The article, adds that,

The unbelieving may possess an excellent moral character; but the fact that he or she has not answered to the claims of God, and has neglected so great salvation, is sufficient reason why such a union should not be consummated.

I get that, contemplating to get married to an unbeliever is a no, no, but you see, it's not only the unbeliever we should be wary of because even the believer could be an unbeliever in plain sight, like a wolf in a sheep's clothing. Why do I say that? I mentioned earlier that I made a mistake, and I did. I suffered the consequences for seven years. The man of God that I met and married—a believer—turned out to be unequally yoked with me. We have very different concept of being a believer—in character, personality, interests, habits, and much more differences in our outlook in ministry. He hated the various ministries I was involved in. Halfway through the marriage, I'd say that he has sank his feet deep into the secular world that there is little or no distinction whatsoever to an unbeliever. I know, we are just but humans, and is sinful by nature, and no one is perfect. I am not perfect , I sin just as well, but my point is, one may be a believer (one with same faith as yours) but could be an unbeliever too. The article adds that,

Unless the believer shall, through his steadfast adherence to principle, win the impenitent, he will, as is much more common, become discouraged and sell his religious principles for the poor companionship of one who has no connection with Heaven.

So be wise in choosing your mate, even if he or she is a believer, you still have to closely scrutinize his or her character, and you have to make sure you share the same interests, priorities, or things that matter to you, especially in ministry. In summary, unbeliever means anyone who doesn't have no inclination to religion or anyone who does not follow or share the same beliefs you believe in. Belief is not necessary a doctrine of a certain church or religion, but it could also be certain behaviors or principles you'd like to uphold. There is no guarantee that someone you meet from the same church you attend to is equally yoked together with you. So be wise and consult with God. Pray that He gives you the insight, the wisdom, and the discretion to identify the believer you should be yoked with.

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